Category: Restaurants
The Original Pancake House was founded in Portland, Oregon in 1953 by Les Highet and Erma Hueneke. Drawing upon their many years of experience in the culinary field, and their extensive working knowledge of authentic national and ethnic pancake recipes they were able to offer without compromise this unique and original menu which has gained national acclaim. The Original Pancake House is a second and third generation family business, which takes great pride in maintaining the high standards that make our food so outstanding. We now have over one hundred
...There are over 100 The Original Pancake House locations in the US.
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The Original Pancake House Hours and Locations by State
- Alabama
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
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- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Maryland
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- New Jersey
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- Oregon
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- Wisconsin
There are over 100 The Original Pancake House locations in the US.
Find Business Hours for all The Original Pancake House locations By City:
- Chicago, IL
- Dallas, TX
- San Jose, CA
- Charlotte, NC
- Honolulu, HI
- Plano, TX
- Salem, OR
- Greenwood Village, CO
- San Diego, CA
- Milwaukee, WI
- Atlanta, GA
- Miami, FL
- Cincinnati, OH
- Anaheim, CA
- Toledo, OH
- Buffalo, NY
- Birmingham, AL
- Madison, WI
- Fremont, CA
- Scottsdale, AZ
- Irving, TX
- Huntington Beach, CA
- Dayton, OH
- Fort Lauderdale, FL