Category: Restaurants
Our History
It began in 1995 with a simple concept—serve fresh food fast. Something that was virtually unheard of at the time. Fast forward to the present… and we’re redefining the fast-casual dining industry once again.
Noodles & Company offers the world’s favorite noodle dishes, salads and soups, all in one restaurant. Each dish is carefully hand-made to our guests’ specifications, using only the freshest ingredients. We’re proud to use REAL Food an
...There are over 450 Noodles & locations in the US.
Find Business Hours for all Noodles & locations by State:
Noodles & Hours and Locations by State
- Arizona
- California
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- DC
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- North Dakota
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- South Dakota
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- Wisconsin
There are over 450 Noodles & locations in the US.
Find Business Hours for all Noodles & locations By City:
- Denver, CO
- Indianapolis, IN
- Chicago, IL
- Minneapolis, MN
- Columbus, OH
- Milwaukee, WI
- Colorado Springs, CO
- Aurora, CO
- Madison, WI
- Littleton, CO
- Charlotte, NC
- Kansas City, MO
- Omaha, NE
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Cincinnati, OH
- Louisville, KY
- Lincoln, NE
- Orlando, FL
- Lakewood, CO
- Alexandria, VA
- Fort Collins, CO
- Ann Arbor, MI
- Boulder, CO
- Broomfield, CO