Category: Restaurants
our humble start
In a nutshell, our story started in the small southern town of Oxford, Mississippi. A movie production had taken an old service station and retrofitted it into a 1950’s-style diner. After they finished, it sat vacant until a dentist bought the property. He had a vision of turning the abandoned set into a small restaurant. And in 1989—you guessed it—the first McAlister’s opened its doors. Much like today, we offered a unique menu with sandwiches, salads, spuds and a heaping spoonful of southern hospitality. We quickly b
...There are over 400 McAlister's Deli locations in the US.
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McAlister's Deli Hours and Locations by State
- Alabama
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- Mississippi
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- South Carolina
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There are over 400 McAlister's Deli locations in the US.
Find Business Hours for all McAlister's Deli locations By City:
- Charlotte, NC
- Louisville, KY
- Indianapolis, IN
- Springfield, MO
- Memphis, TN
- Houston, TX
- Dallas, TX
- Tulsa, OK
- Aurora, CO
- Knoxville, TN
- Columbia, SC
- Waco, TX
- Odessa, TX
- Greenville, SC
- Hattiesburg, MS
- Myrtle Beach, SC
- Ft. Worth, TX
- San Antonio, TX
- Oklahoma City, OK
- New Orleans, LA
- Wichita, KS
- Cincinnati, OH
- Tampa, FL
- Raleigh, NC