Category: Restaurants
Regulars Wanted
Everything Except Ordinary.
What does it take to be a regular at Bar Louie?
An enjoyment of the craft and the desire to experience something out of the ordinary.
From our Chicago roots, we've always known that having a comfortable place to hang out, get great drinks, scratch food, awesome music, and the best service was something special. We create every Bar Louie with all of that in mind.
It might not seem like an easy task, but we want to make sure you have a
...There are over 100 Bar Louie locations in the US.
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Bar Louie Hours and Locations by State
- Alabama
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- Rhode Island
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- Wisconsin
There are over 100 Bar Louie locations in the US.
Find Business Hours for all Bar Louie locations By City:
- Chicago, IL
- Columbus, OH
- Orlando, FL
- San Antonio, TX
- Kansas City, MO
- Cincinnati, OH
- Rochester, NY
- Houston, TX
- Dallas, TX
- Memphis, TN
- Milwaukee, WI
- Boston, MA
- Washington, DC
- Denver, CO
- Charlotte, NC
- Fort Worth, TX
- Cleveland, OH
- Minneapolis, MN
- Miami, FL
- Colorado Springs, CO
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Arlington, TX
- Toledo, OH
- Tampa, FL