Invite Customers – Hoursmap

Review Booster Invitations

All businesses need positive reviews. Users like writing reviews about cool, new restaurants. But what about OTHER businesses? How can you get more reviews for your business?

The solution is simple—you just need to ask. Large corporations like Starwood Hotels have been doing it for years. With our technology, you can too!

Review Booster

Add Business

To get started, please add your business to our site.


Then, you can send out invites. Click 'Invite Customers' from your Dashboard.


Send the link to your reviews to your potential customers!


Step-by-step instructions on how to send out invitations to your customers.

1. Click on 'Dashboard'

Once you've added your business to our site, you can send out invitations. After logging in, visit the Dashboard.

2. Click on 'Invite Customers'

From the Dashboard, click on 'Invite Customers'

3. Enter Contacts

You can enter the emails by choosing 'Enter Your Contacts'. Then, enter the emails, separated by commas. Click 'Continue'. You can also choose to 'Import Your Contacts' or 'Upload Your Contacts'.

4. Invitation Preview

To see what the invitation will look like, click on 'Invitation Preview'.

5. Send Invitations

To send the invitation, click 'Select All' and then 'Send Invitation'.

6. Manage Invitations

To see the status of your invitations, click on 'View and Manage ... Sent Invitations'. This will show your Invitation History.

7. Invitation History

The status of each invitation starts as 'Waiting'. Once an invitation is sent (usually in a few minutes), the status changes to 'Invited'. Users that are already registered with our site have a status of 'Joined Previously'. For others, once they join, the status will be 'Joined', and once they leave a review, the status will be 'Left Review'.

8. Recommendations

Your recommendations will appear on your listing page, like this example. The more invites you send, the more recommendations you'll get. Once the recommendations start pouring in, you can promote your listing by including a link in your emails or other marketing materials!