Many items at are also available in our stores. Online Exclusives, Final Sale items, select colors for some styles, and items in Petite, Tall, and extended sizes are available only online.
Once a confirmation email has been sent, we will hold your reservation at your selected store until close of business the following day.
After you receive your confirmation email, simply stop by the specified store. Approach any associate and let them know you have a reservation waiting.
If you are happy with your selections, simply make your purchase at the store.
You’ll pay the lowest in-store price at the time of your purchase, which may vary from the online price. Online promotional codes will not apply.
Currently available at Polaris Fashion Place, Tuttle Crossing, Easton Town Center, Greenbrier, Macarthur Center, Lakeforest, Fair Oaks, Columbia, Annapolis, Tysons Corner Center, Short Pump, Pentagon, Peninsula, Montgomery and Lynnhaven.